Wednesday, October 26, 2016

10kg Mission

I always jealous whenever I saw some married woman can maintaining their body figure . It is because I can't maintain my body figure and maintain my weight after I getting married . I'm totally hate myself now . Hahaha. Worst come to worst , I've gained 10kg after married . It makes me sad whenever I saw the weight machine scale but I can't stop myself from eating a delicious sweet food . I totally love to eat . Hahaha . 

Yes . I do participated in several marathon . But, it just for that one time event . For me to get my body figure and weight like before I getting married , obviously , I need to eat healthy food . Eat clean . Consume a little portion of food . Eat 5 times a day . Andddd, need some exercise too. 

I admit that after I getting married , I've eat a lot but I'm not intensely done my workout like I use to do before married . So , who I should put the blame ? 
ME !!!!  Hahaha...

When I can feel day by day my body keep on expanding. I put a goal for myself . I put a mission fo myself . I called it 10KG MISSION

It's already 3 days I've started my 10kg mission thing. Hahaha. I've done some aerobics , run on threadmill , 5km early morning jog , etc. 

Now , I obviously need to start to eat clean.  Eat in a small portion but 5 times a day. No sweet drink . Goodbye teh tarikkkkk~ *sob sob* . Drink 3 litre of water ( no problem , I'm still doing it ) .  Drink Green tea ( still doing it too ) . 

Do you think I can achieve my 10kg mission in 2 months ? Hihihi . 

Love ,


  1. omg 10kg in 2 months? wowwwww. nadiaaaaaa

    1. that's my goal . tapi tak sure boleh achieve ke tak . hahaha
      hopefully boleh tapi need a high discipline . Hope I can do it . =p

  2. Boleh.. In sya Allah. Disiplin yang tinggi.. :)

    1. kannnn...Insyaallah . Memang kena disiplin yang tinggi . Hope I can do it . hahaha . Thanks Reen . <3

  3. gambatte Nia..! No sweet. No ICE! Eat clean n get lean.
    Note to my self too. =)

  4. Good luck!
    im trying to lose weight too haha

    1. Thanks !!! Yes do it together dear. 💪🏻💪🏻

  5. 10kgs? Berapa berat nia before married ni sbb skrg ni pun tgk dh kurusnk turn lg 10lgs? Sis JMpun overweight gak dah try nk kurus tp kurang disiplin.dah sedar semua baju suar ketat bila nk kurang mkn je x jadi

    1. Haaaa~ dlu dlm 43 - 45kg . Skrang? Tambah lah 10 JM .

      Kurus ? Haaaa tue hanyalah gambarajah je hahaha...hakikatnya , mmg dah naik 10kg

      Ha? JM overweight ? Mcm tipu je . Tgk jM pun kurus jeeeee .

      Tapi mmg betul kena disiplin yang tinggi . Smlm baru je mcm dessert mmg fail lah mission 10 kg hahaha

  6. gudluck.. semoga dipermudahkan..


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